
Thursday, April 26, 2012

1987 onii 08 sariin 04nd ene horvoog gereltuuldeg bas neg nar biden dr urt hugatsagar ailchilj irsen yum..  ter maaash tsailgan.. Ene delhii gedeg har baraan zuil ihtei yertuntsud ter l buhniig gereltuuleh gej irsen met..  Ter odoohondoo uuriinhuu nar gedgiig haraahan medreegui yum shig bnlee. Gehdee tuunees urgelj gerel tsatsardag... ter tsatsragaa amitan urgamal buhend tusgaj tedniig energy-eer tsenegledeg... Gehdee l tuuniig nar gedgiig meddeg hunii huvid jildee baitugai sardaa hed heden udaa nar hirtelt bolno.. Buur buten hirteltiin talaar bodood ch hereggui... yagaad gevel ter ene yertuntsiig yag l uuriinhuuruu harah geed bh shig.. Yum buhniig hamgiin engiineer oilgohiig huseed l... gehdee ter hamgiin tsarailag nar...

1989 onii 05 sariin 07 nii udur Ter emegtei mash ih sandarch baina..  Zunduu ih uvdsunii etsest horvoogiin bayar baysaltai uchirlaa..  Tuunii khairtai hun hajuud ni semeerhen sanaa aldan suuh ajee.. Ter 2 hoyulaa neg zuilruu shirteh ni ene horvoogiin uzesgelen, magadgui utga uchiriig oilgoj bgaa met... Magadgui ireeduid yah bol , ene uzesgelentei zuiliig yaj avch yavah vee geed l zunduu yum bodson bh ldaa..  Ter uzesgelentei zuil ni bi ldee.. U*****...kkk...  Minii mendelsen udur..  yag ter uyd Ardchilal gedeg saihan nz bidentei dunguj uulzaj blaa... Ene uyiig buyu saihan uyiin uchraliig belegdeed ene neriiig minii aav nadad ugsun bilee..

 Ene uyees hoish 15n jiliin daraa...  Nar ch hunii ertuntsiin jamaar amidarsaar 9r angi bolson blaaa..  Ene uyd Uchka bas l 9r angi...Ter 7 nastaidaa surguulid orood bas neg angia alagssan bolhoor Nartai neg uy bolson blaa... ter odoo ulam ch uzesgelentei bolson blaa.. uyiinh ni zaluus  tuuniig zugeer bailgadaggui blaa...  Tomroh tusam ni tuuniig geh zaluusiin too ulam l ussun...  magadgui tuunii olon yanziin uraldaan temtseend oroltsdog bsan ni nuluulsun ch bj boloh yum...  Uchkad tuunii changa hatuu deglem buhii surguuli anhandaa taalagddag bsan ch tomroh tusamaa ulam iheer erh chuluug huseh bolloo.. Tereer ger buliinhendee uur surguuliruu shiljhiig husej bgaagaa heleed surguuliaasaa ch gesen evteiheneer garch chadlaa... Tegeed ter gereesee oirhon bdag negen surguulid orhoor bolood shine 7 honog ehlehed surguulidaa yavj ehellee... Ene surguuliin buh yum tuunii huvid mash shinehen medremjiig touulj blaa..

Namaig mash hurdan hugatsaand ineelgej ch chadna... ternees ch hurdan hugatsaan uiluulj untraaj ch chadah huchtei... Magadgui ter Delhiinh bish bolhoor ter bh ldaa..  Ene delhii dr namaig uiluuldag hedhen l zuil baidag.. ted zuiluud ni ch tiim huchtei bishdee.. Songino, kino, uvchtei jaahan huuhed,  aaviin hatuu ug, eejiin argadalt tegeed Ter NAR...kkk  Uur yamar ch hun namaig uiluulj chadahguidee neeree...  ;) Ter yag l egel humuunii yosoor bidnii dund amidarsaar l baigaa..

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Андрей Ермолов – Баяжих дамжаа

“Энэ бол баяжих дамжаа, энэ номыг уншаад та баяжих дамжааг төгсчихлөө л гэсэн үг. Тэгээд л баяжина. Итгэхгүй бол уншаад үз” гэж эхэлдэг. Ном бүр амьдралд зам заадаг ном бүр л зөв сайхан амьдралыг сургадаг. Гэхдээ хүн бүр уншсан ном бүрийнхээ агуулгаар өөрчлөгддөг үү гэвэл үгүй.

Унших, ойлгох, ухаарах, хэрэгжүүлэх гэдэг цөм өөр ойлголт гэдгийг бүсгүй та мэдрээ байлгүй. Тэгвэл энэ номонд эдгээрээс хамгийн чухал үйл ажиллагааг заан сургасан буй. Орос зохиолчийн сонирхолтой бичлэгийн хэлбэр, анхаарал татам бодит жишээнүүд энд буй. Ингээд өөр нэгэн номын ертөнцөд тавтай морил.
Бүлэг 1. Зориг, сэтгэл, бас бусдын тухай
Тэмцэхээс татгалзсны үнэ – ялагдал.
Амттайхан атлаа үргүй мөрөөдөлд үе үе автавч, зөөлөн диван дээр хажуулдаад л.... өөрийн золгүйг гайхан, бүхий л амьдралаа өнгөрөөж болно. Хөхрөл булдруунаас нуугдаж хулчийж, урсгал сөрж гарсан нэгнийг өөрийн ТАВЛАГ БҮС-ээс атаархан ширтэж болно. Үр дүн нь ердөө л ялагдал.

Дараа 7 хоногоос, маргаашнаас гэж хэд ч төлөвлөж болно. Амьдралд тохиолдох бүхий л алдаа бүтэлгүйтлийг тойрж гарч, түүнээс зугатаж болно. Хөдөлж эхлэх зөв цаг мөчийг хичнээн өдөр сар жилээр хүлээж ч болно. Үр дүн нь ялагдал.
Мянган бээрийн аялал нэг алхамаас эхлэнэ гэдэг юм. Алхам л чухал гэдгийг ойлгох хэрэгтэй. Алхахгүй бол энэ ялагдал. Харин алхахад түлхэх зүйл чинь ердөө л зориг юм шүү. Дотоод сэтгэлээс чиь хааяахан гарах намуухан дуу хоолойг битгий алд. Эргэлзээ айдсын манангаар бүү хуч. Энэ хорвоод үйл хөдлөл хамгийн чухал. Чи юуг ч ярьж, юуг ч бодож болно. Гэвч зөвхөн үйл хөдлөл таныг ялагч болгоно. Бүү март. Алхахыг хүсэх, алхахыг оролдох биш алхах чинь л таныг ялагч болгоно.
Бүлэг 2. Их замын эхэнд, тухлаг бүс
Урагш ахина гэдэг сэтгэлийн амар тайван байдлаа алдана гэсэн үг, нэг байрандаа шигдэнэ гэдэг өөрийгөө бүхлээр нь алдана гэсэн үг. Өөрийгөө бүхлээр нь олж авахын тулд бид урагш ахих ёстой. Амьтны эрх ашгийг хамгаалдаггүй үед гайхал эрдэмтэд туршлага хийжээ. Цасан дор тухтай унтаж байсан мэлхийг авчран, бүлээн усанд дүрэв. Мэлхий аягүйцэж, үсрэн зугтав гэнэ. Тэгэхлээр нь хүйтэн усанд хийв. Мэлхий ч унтаад өгч, эрдэмтэд усыг халаав. Үсрэн зугатахыг нь хүлээгээд л байж. Мэлхий улам ч таатай нойрсоод л байв. Унтсаар байгаад чанагдаж орхисон гэдэг. Та энэ мэлхий шиг болмоор байна уу, хүйтэн усанд байгаа гэж бодоод халж байгааг нь анзааралгүй унтаад байгаа юм биш биз. Аймшигт мэлхийн түүхийг дурдсны учир нь олон хүмүүс өрдсөн галын дээр усанд зүйрмэглэн сууж байдаг юм. Та ч гэсэн өөрийгөө мэдэхгүй байх вий. Тэгвэл тухлаг бүсээсээ бушуухан гар. Баян болсон баяжсан хүмүүс тухлаг бүсээ орхиж чадсан хүмүүс байдаг юм.

Тэд хэзээ ч хангалуун биш ч цалин байна, төгс биш ч ямар ч байсан нөхөр/эхнэр байна, үнэтэй биш хөл дүүжлэх унаа байна гэж тухлаг бүсрүү шигддэггүй. Яг үнэндээ өөртөө байгаа зүйлээ хичээл зүтгэлээрээ л олж авсан байгаа. Тэгвэл ахиад хичээвэл бас түүнээс ихийг олох л болно. Харин тухлаг бүсээ орхих хэрэгтэй.
Бүлэг 3. Оролдлого тамлагдлаас дор
Их хэргийг бүтээхийн тулд эргэлзээ зориг эрчийг чинь мохоохоос өмнө амжиж хөдлөх хэрэгтэй. Одоо байгаа байдал чинь таалагдахгүй байна уу? Сэтгэл хангалуун биш байна гэж бодож байвал буруутан нь чи өөрөө. Үүниг зөвтгөх түгээмэл үг “Би оролдож л байна.” Ийм үг хэлж байгаа бол юу ч хийхгүй байгаадаа итгэ. Энэ бол амьсгалах, амьсгалахыг оролдохтой л ижил. Амьсгалыг оролдсоор байгаа бол үхэх нь мэдээж.

Бар олзруугаа үсрэхдээ тэр нь бодон аль эсвэл туулай ч бай хамаагүй бүх хүчээ дайчилдаг. Бүх хүчээ дайчлах зоригийн үйлдэл 3 үе шаттай.
1. Бэлтгэл. Харин удаан байж болохгүй, зорилгоо харж тодорхой болго. Мөрөөдөл гэдэг бол байнгын тэмүүлэл, бодрол, ухамсрыг татсан тийм зүйл. Мөрөөдөл шиг мөрөөдөл өөрөө үйлдэл юм. Мөрөөдөл таныг зорилготой болгоно. Зорилго гэдэг нь мөрөөдлийн замбараагүй имиджийг арилган цэгцэлж, томьёолон шилжүүлсэн, мөрөөдлийг шахаж гаргсан шүүс нь юм. Горьдлого бол цаг үрэлт. Хүсэл ч гэсэн яг адил. Хүсээд хүсээд хөдлөхгүй бол дэмий л зүйл.
2. Харайхын өмнөх төвлөрөлт. Энэ үе шат ч бас удаан байж болохгүй. Удах тусам эсрэг нөлөөлөл ирдэг. Бэлэн болсон, төлөвлөсөн зүйлдээ итгэж, эргэлзээ айдсын үлдэгдлийг үлдэн хөөнгүүт дараагийн үе шатанд шилжих ёстой.
3. Үсрэлт. Энэ бол үйлдэл байх ёстой. Яг л сум нумнаас сүнхийн салдаг шиг. Сум дундаа зогсох ёсгүй. Сум замынхаа дунд: “Би зөв нисж байгаа боловуу, зөв байруу явж байгаа боловуу” гэж эргэлзэж зогсдоггүйтэй л адил. Зодолдож байгаа хүн сая яачихав? хэн цохиулчихав гээд сатаад хараад байвал хөх булдруу болохтой л адил. Хийхийн төлөө хийж хөдлөхын төлөө хөдөл. Оролдох бодож хүсэх хэрэггүй.
Бүлэг 4. Мөрөөдлийнхөө хойноос. Мөрөөдөл бол бүхний эхлэл, бүх гарааны альфа омега, гэвч зөвхөн мөрөөдөөд болохгүй. Манайд вагон вагоноор л мөрөөдөгч байна, харин тэрбумтан алга. Мөрөөдлийг хэрэгжүүлж өгдөг эрмэлзэл, оргилсон тэмүүлэл ШААРДЛАГАТАЙ. Мөрөөдлийнхөө хойноос хөөж, мөшгиж, алдахгүй явах нь хүнийг хүн болгоно гээд эхэлсэн сэдвээр номын тоймоо өндөрлөе.
Мөнгө санхүү эмэгтэй хүнд бие даасан хүчирхэг байдлыг хайрладагт итгэ. Ном энгийн байдлаараа бүсгүй хүнд намба төрхийг өгч, гүн агуулгаараа амьдралын замыг заадаг. Энэхүү номонд гарах зөвөлгөөг зөвхөн санхүүгийн талбарт ч бус амьдралын бүхий л асуудлуудад “хувирган” ашиглаж чадах аваас хүссэндээ хүрэх зам улам дөт болох биз. Бүсгүй чамд амжилт хүсье.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Former President N.Enkhbayar arrested

After a long night of stand-off between the police and his supporters, the former president N.Enkhbayar was arrested this morning at 6am. News reports and eye witness accounts point to the use of excessive force by the police during the arrest, including smashing the former president's car window and forcefully dragging him out of his car.  According to news reports, he is now under investigation by the Anti-Corruption Authority, and has been transported to a detention center in Tuv aimag.

The MPRP members and supporters showed up to protest against the arrest, and are planning to organize a demonstration on the Sukhbaatar square this afternoon.

The defendant's lawyer O.Baasankhuu gave a press statement on the charges being filed against Mr.Enkhbayar N, which include misappropriation of television equipment donated from overseas to found TV9 in 2000, and corruption charges, tax evasion charges related to the importation of books written by Mr.Enkhbayar and activities of a private company allegedly owned by the former president's son. A bizarre collection of vague allegations that are, at best, confusing. It comes across as an arrest-first, charge-later case, as the folks at the Anti Corruption Authority try to come up with more solid allegations that are not a decade old.

More updates to follow.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Та хайрлаж дурлах чадвартай юу?

Хайр дурлалгvй амьдрах нь дурлаж, шаналж явснаас хавьгvй хялбар хэдий ч хvн “хайр” гэдэг энэ мэдрэмжээс хол амьдарна гэж vгvй шvv дээ.

Зарим хvн “Энэ ертөнцөд надад ганцхан хайр л хэрэгтэй” хэмээн сэтгэлд нь гал, цусанд нь дөл бадарч байхад зарим нь ийм хөгийн юманд цаг, нервээ гарздахгvй гэж vздэг. Харин та хайр дурлалд хэрхэн ханддаг вэ?
1. Та найзынхаа /хайртай залуу, бvсгvйнхээ/ юуг нь илvv vнэлдэг вэ?
- Сайхан төрх байдлыг 2
- Ухаан, боловсролыг 7
- Намайг хайрладгийг нь 10
2. Та “анхны харцаар дурлана” гэдэгт итгэдэг vv?
- Тэгэлгvй яах вэ? Энэ чинь л жинхэнэ хайр дурлал шvv дээ 10
- Тийм юм хоовор байх аа даа 7
- Би ерөөсөө тэр хайр дурлал гээч юманд итгэдэггvй 0
3. Хэрвээ найз/хайрт чинь хvсвэл чи урд нь vзчихсэн киногоо дахин vзэж чадах уу?
- Тvvнтэйгээ хамт би хаашаа ч, юунд ч явсан бэлэн 7
- Яах вэ, бид киноны дараа уулзаж болно ш дээ 3
- Хэрвээ сонирхолтой кино байвал дахиад vзсэн ч яадаг юм бэ? 6
4. Хайрт чинь чиний найз нартай ердөө таарахгvй байна, яах вэ?
- Тvvнээс салж л орхино… 2
- Найз нараасаа холбоогоо тасална 10
- Ийм байдлыг ердөө төсөөлж чадахгvй байна 7
5. Та хоёр хол байхад та хайртынхаа юу хийж байгааг мэддэг vv?
- Ерөнхийдөө мэднээ, ихэнхдээ л би тvvнийг хаана, юу хийж явааг нь мэддэг 7
- Би тvvнийг бvх л амьдралын нь турш мөрдөн дагаж чадахргvй ш дээ 4
- Энэ нэг их сонин биш ээ 0
6. Та хоёр гvн ухааны элдэв асуудлаар хоорондоо ярилцдаг уу?
- Тийм, заримдаа бид “философдох” дуртай 7
- Бид ихэнхдээ огт өөр юм хийж байдаг 2
- Яах гэж? 1
7. Та тvvнтэй vргэлж хамт амьдрахыг хvсч байна уу?
- Тийм ээ, ганцаараа байх уйтгартай ш дээ 7
- Яасан ч vгvй. Хамтын амьдрал хайр сэтгэлийг vгvй хийдэг 1
- Тэгэлгvй яах, бид бие биендээ хайртай юм чинь 9
8. Та хоёрын харьцаа төгсгөл болно гээд төсөөлөөд vз дээ?
- Энэ тухай бодохыг ч хvсэхгvй байна 9
- Эрт орой алин боловч ийм юм болох л байх л даа 4
- Хагацаж салахгvйн тулд бvхнийг хийнээ 7
9. Цагийн аясаар та хоёрын харьцаа тийм ч “романтик” биш болж, оргилсон дурлал, хvсэл тачаал чинь буурчээ…
- Ийм юм байж болохгvй 9
- Ийм харьцаатай байсан ч болохгvй нь юу байх вэ? 1
- Би тvvнээс шууд л сална 7
Оноогоо тоолж vзье.
Хэрвээ 55 болон дээш оноо авсан бол: Та мөрөөдөмтгий, бvр хэт хийсвэр, бараг бvтэшгvйг мөрөөддөг хvн юм. Таны энэ их мөрөөдлийг хайрт чинь ойлгохгvй байж болох учраас та гэнэтийн тааламжгvй мэдээ авахад бэлэн байх хэрэгтэй. Ер нь дан мөрөөдлөөр амьдрахаа болих гээд vзэх хэрэгтэй юм биш vv?
29-54 оноо авсан бол: Хайр дурлал таны хувьд чухал зvйлийн нэг юм. Гэхдээ та тогтвортой, газрын хөрснөө хоёр хөл дээрээ бат зогссон, дурлалын мөрөөдөл, элдэв явдалтайгаа зууралдаад байдаггvй, аливааг зөв зохицуулж чаддаг бололтой. Таны амьдралд хайр дурлалаас гадна олон сонирхолтой, сайхан зvйл бий.
28 болон тvvнээс доош оноо авсан бол: Та амьдралд шvvмжлэлтэй, хэт бодит ханддаг юм байна. Таны хаамтрагчдаа хандах хандлага чинь зөв зvйтэй ашигтай солилцоо маягтай л юм. Гэр бvлийн амьдралыг ч зөвхөн гэрээгээр л хардаг, хайр дурлалын тухай яриа хөх инээдийг чинь хvргэдэг ажээ.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Тураадаг шөл /Үнэхээр үнэн шүү/

АНУ – ын Миннесота мужийн Мэйогийн эмнэлэгийг учир мэдэх хүмүүс дэлхийн анагаах ухааны урлан хэмээн үздэг билээ. Тэнд зөвхөн саятан тэрбумтнууд л очиж дийлэхээс энгийн хүмүүс мөрөөдөөд ч нэмэргүй. Аз болоход ам дамжсан яриа гэж нэг юм байдаг болохоор тэр урлангийн зарим нэг жорууд, ялангуяа тураах жорууд нь олонд задрах нь их бөгөөд ядуус бид түүнийг нь баясан ашиглах ажгуу. Тэдний тураах дэглэмүүдийн лидер нь – сонгины шөл буюу “өөх шатаагч” шөл юм. Энэ дэглэмийг мэс засалд орохын өмнөх бэлтгэл болгож их хэрэглэдэг: организмын бодисын солилцооны явцад үүссэн хор хурыг цэвэрлэх, илүүдэл жинг арилгаж энерги, амин дэмээр бие организмыг тэжээх зориулалттай. Энэ шөлийг хүссэн хэмжээгээрээ идэж турах дэглэмийг танилцуулъя.
Нэг талаас харвал дураараа, дуртай цагтаа идэж болдог ч, дэглэм л юм хойно хатуу биелүүлэлтийг шаардана гэдгийг анхаараарай. Шөлийг долоо хоногийн турш өдөр бүр идэх ёстой, их идэх тусмаа их өөх шатаж арилна. Шөлний орцыг хатуу дагана, дур мэдэн аль нэг орцыг нэмж хасч болохгүй.  
Дэглэмийн үед ямар ч согтууруулах ундаа, хийжүүлсэн удаа, талх, өөх тос зэргийг хатуугаас хатуу хориглоно. Цэвэр усыг ихээр ууна!

Хэрэв энэ хэдэн дүрмийг баримтлах юм бол долоо хоногт 5 – 8 кг хаях боломжтой. Тэмдэглэн хэлэхэд, дэглэмийн үр дүнд бие хөнгөрч залуужихаас гадна сэтгэл зүрх баяр баясгалангаар гийн, энерги буцладаг онцлогтой! Хэрэв доорхи шөл танд таалагдвал та дэглэм гэхгүйгээр дуртай үедээ хийж идэн жингээ тохируулж байхад болохгүй зүйл үгүй...

За ингээд эхлэе, шөлөө чаная!

celeryОрц: Дунд зэргийн хэмжээтэй байцаа -1ш, бөөрөнхий сонгино - 6 ш. улаан лооль - 3 ш., ногоон чинжүү -2ш, ногоон майлз /сельдерей, celery/ - нэг багц. Давс, перец.

Бүх ногоогоо жижиг нарийн хэрчиж кастрюланд хийгээд ус хийнэ. Давс, перцээр амтлаад ширүүн гал дээр 10 минут буцалгана. Галаа дөнгөж буцлах хэмжээнд багасгаад болтол нь чанана.

Нэг дэх өдөр

Өдрийн турш дээрх шөлөө болон дуртай жимсээ иднэ. /гадилаас бусад/. Шөлөө хүссэн хэмжээгээрээ, хүссэн цагтаа иднэ. Их идэх тусам – сайн. Чихэргүй цай, кофе ууж болно, тэгээд – ус, ахиухан ус!

Хоёрдахь өдөр

Шөл ба ногоо иднэ. /эрдэнэ шиш, ногоон вандуй, шошийн төрлийн ногооноос бусад/. Энэ өдөр жимс идэхгүй! Зөвхөн ногоо – хэмжээ хязгааргүйгээр, цадталаа иднэ. Чанасан, түүхий, даршилсан – ямар ч хэлбэрээр идэж болно. Шөлөө бас сайн иднэ. Өдрийн хоолондоо духовканд болгосон 1 ширхэг төмсийг цөцгийн тосоор амтлан идэж сэтгэлээ баясгана. Ус, ус, ус, бас дахин ус ихээр ууна, 8 аяга хүртэл!

Гуравдахь өдөр

Шөл, жимс, ногоо иднэ. Хүссэнээрээ иднэ. Төмс идэхгүй. Зөвхөн шөл, жимс, ногоо. Усаа уухаа мартав!

Дөрөвдэхь өдөр

Шөл, жимс, ногоо, тослоггүй сүү, 3 ширхэг гадил. Цадталаа, таашаалтайгаар иднэ. Их ус ууна.

Тав дахь өдөр

Шөлөө иднэ, дээр нь өөхгүй үхрийн мах шинэхэн улаан лоольтой хольж иднэ. Хүссэн хэмжээгээрээ, тамшаалан иднэ. Хагас кг мах ч идэж болно. Усаа ууна.

Зургаадахь өдөр

Шөл, үхрийн мах, ногоо /ялангуяа ногоон навчит ногоо/ иднэ. Цадталаа, таашаалтайхан иднэ. Ахиухан ус!

Долоо дахь өдөр

Шөл, ногоо, бор будаа, чихэргүй жимсний ундаа. Дураараа иднэ. Ус ихээр ууна.

Энэ өдрийн төгсгөлд – хэрэв та бүх дүрмийг барьсан бол – та бүсэлхийгээрээ эрс нарийссан байх агаад бие чинь хөнгөн, энергээр дүүрэн, сэтгэл хангалуун баяр баясгалантай байх болно. Маргааш өглөө жингээ үзээд толинд харан инээмсэглэж өөртөө баяр хүргэн шагнаарай. Одоо та сайхан галбираа хадгалж яваарай.

100 Ways to Develop Your Mind

1. Do the Thing You Fear the Most.

If there’s one thing that will change your thoughts quicker than anything else, it’s facing your fears.

2. Stand up For Yourself

A lot of people have difficulty in standing up for themselves. The first time you do it can be very empowering and your thoughts about yourself will change forever.

3. Stop Talking

It’s great to be silent for just a little while. Our thoughts turn inward and we begin to appreciate ourselves just a little more.

4. Strengthen Your Strengths

Sometimes we focus too much on trying to strengthen our weaknesses when we should be concentrating on strengthening our strengths.

5. Take A Walk Around an Art Gallery

You might not appreciate art or participate in it but it’s great to see the thoughts of others on canvas. It can give us a tiny glimpse of what goes on in other people’s minds.

6. Blindfold Yourself for a Day

Walk in the shoes of a blind person for 1 full day, it will forever change the way you think about life.

7. Stand on a Chair for 5 Minutes Per Day

Building self discipline is a great way to take control of your mind and your thoughts. If you just get up and stand on a sturdy chair your mind will be wondering what the hells going on and try and force you to get off the chair. Disciplining your mind is a great way to start changing your life.

8. Dance When There’s Nobody There

It’s a strange sensation to dance on your own, although when I have done this I look like a dog having a seizure, nonetheless it’s a great way to let go of your inhibitions.

9. Give Money to Someone Unexpectedly

Whether it be on the internet, or in the street, just give a larger than normal donation to someone. This again is liberating and your thoughts about money will change for a few moments (that’s all it takes to start the process of changing your life.)

10. Strengthen Your Thoughts About Yourself

Reinforce your thoughts about your good points. If you are good at talking to people, tell yourself this often. If you are good at maths, tell yourself often. This has the benefit of reinforcing and strengthening your self image.

11. Take A Risk

Life would be boring without ever having taken a risk in your life. Do something that you didn’t want to do because you thought you wouldn’t be any good at it. This totally smashes the boundaries of your comfort zone and your life could change forever.

12. Talk To A Stranger

Again this is breaking our comfort zones, but just saying hi to stranger in the street or good morning can have an enormous impact on your day and the person you said hi to.

13. Walk Around The House Naked

I can almost feel the shock at this. I don’t mean when you’ve got guests in, I mean when everybody is out. Lock the door and totally liberate yourself and your thinking of what’s right and what’s wrong. I wouldn’t advise doing it all the time, but from time to time, it’s a great feeling.

14. Read A Book By An Author You Most Avoid

reading books by authors we avoid gives us a chance to take control of our minds and lets us see another side to our thinking. We’ve got to ask why we avoid them in the first place, is it something within us that we are avoiding?

15. Write An Article About Yourself

Imagine a newspaper has asked you to write an article of 1000 words or less about yourself and your life and they want to know what motivates you in life, now write the article. This helps put your life into some perspective and gets you thinking about your childhood and growing up.

16. Stop Contact With Your Down People

If you have people in your life who constantly drag you down, or are negative all the time, drop them. Honestly drop them from your life, you are not serving them and they are not serving you and they are dragging your thoughts down.

17. Believe In Yourself

A lot of people believe their life has been pre-destined and there’s nothing we can do to change it – absolute rubbish. YOU are the only person who controls the universe, yes I did mean universe. Your universe is different from mine so you control your own universe, think about that and start acting upon it.

18. Meditate Every Day

Another powerful thing that has the power to change your life and your thinking for good. Retreating into your mind for a few minutes every day will do you a power of good.

19. Ask For A Discount

When you buy anything from a shop that is over $100, ask for a discount. Tell the salesman you’d like a 10% discount on the item. Most people are so afraid of doing this but it’s a great way to empower yourself and let go of another inhibition, what’s the worst that can happen?

20. Risk Embarrassment

Imagine if you had seen the person of your dreams on a bus, or at the store and you didn’t do anything about it how much would you kick yourself. If this happens to you, do something about it, don’t keep it hidden. Just say to them you thought you would come over and say how attractive they looked and felt you had to tell them. You never know what will happen and how much your life could be changed. Obviously don’t turn into a weirdo and do it with every good looking person on the street.

21. Work Toward, What You Think, Is An Impossible Goal

If you work toward a goal without expectation you don’t care about the outcome as much. When you don’t care about the outcome, you don’t have as much expectation.

22. Practice Gratitude

We all know what we don’t have in our lives because we spend a lot of time wishing we had them, but are we really thankful for what we have? Spend time every single day being thankful for the good things we do have in our lives.

23. Do Something Nice And Don’t Tell Anyone About It

We tell others about our acts of kindness to let them know how nice we are and to seek approval. If you keep your act of kindness to yourself without ever telling anyone the feeling of positive energy lasts much longer.

24. Share Your Skills

Everybody has a skill of some kind. When you share it you not only have the power to help others, but you enhance your own skill by owning it.

25. Don’t Talk Just Listen

Enhance your listening skills by not talking when someone is speaking to you. Resist the urge to speak your views when someone is talking to you, just listen to them and ask them more open ended questions at the appropriate times. This has two benefits: a) You can really listen if you are not formulating the stories in your own head when someone is talking b) you will make the other person feel great as you are actively listening to them.

26. Write Your Future Life Story

Start from the age you are just now and start writing your future life story as you’d like it to be. Be as outrageous as you want and just write about your ideal life and how you interact with it. Words on paper are powerful and can help shape your goals.

27. Give Someone A Gift For No Reason

We always assume someone buys us a gift for a reason whether it be a birthday, christmas or special occasion. Buy someone a gift just because you know they would like it.

28. Pass On Your Good Books

If you’ve read a book and it changed your thinking or life in some way, pass it on to someone else who might benefit.;

29. Spend More Time With Your Kids

Your kids will grow up very quickly, spend as much time as you can with them.

30. Forgive Behavior

The way we behave doesn’t necessarily reflect our true thoughts. Remember this when someone acts out of character and behaves in a way you don’t approve of.

31. Allow Yourself To Be A Lazy Git

We are so used to filling our time with useful things to do and being productive we have forgotten the art of laziness. Being lazy is good every ONCE IN A WHILE and it allows our mind to slow down and relax.

32. What Is Your Best Quality Today

Every morning for 10 seconds just state, out loud if you can, what your best quality is. Try and change it every day. This reinforces your strengths and weakens your perceived weaknesses.

33. Write A Comment

If you visit a blog you like, leave a comment and join in the community of people. Or, if there is not much of a community, be part of starting it.

34. Tell Your Friends And Colleagues How Good They Are

If a friend or colleague does something good, tell them how good they are at that particular task. This reinforces someone else strengths or strengthens their weaknesses and makes them feel good about themselves.

35. Make A Video Of Yourself And Post It To Youtube

Why on earth would you do this? Just because you can!

36. List All Your Worries

Make a list of every single worry you have at the moment. You will notice that you don’t have as many worries as you thought. Worrying consumes our thinking and we think our whole life is one big worry. When you get it down on paper it’s extremely surprising that you don’t have as many as you’d thought.

37. Work On Each Worry In Turn

Now that you have all your worries listed. Go through them and start acting on them in turn. If you find worries you cannot act upon it means there is nothing you can do to change the outcome of that worry, so forget it, why waste mind energy on something you cannot control at all?

38. Read About Successful People

If you want to change your thoughts and change your life read about people who have already done it and use them as guides.

39. Tweet Your Moods

If you use twitter why not tweet your moods daily and see if there is some kind of pattern after a few months.

40. Stop Watching Soaps

Soap operas actually have the power to alter your state of mind. People get so caught up in the emotions of the soap that they experience what the actors and actresses are doing.

41. Have A News Break

What would happen if you never read a newspaper for a week? nothing at all, your life wouldn’t change, you wouldn’t run out of things to talk about, you would still be as up on the world as everyone else. Newspapers sell because of their doom and gloom, read it and you are buying into it.

42. Do Something Spontaneous

Jump on a bus without looking at the destination, book a holiday, take time off work, take your partner away, buy your kids a gift; do anything and make sure it’s out of character, (expand that boundary).

43. Write To An Author

Authors are people just like you and I and they love getting feedback about their work. If a book touched you in some way or changed you, take time to write to the author and thank them. Don’t look for a reply, just thank them.

44. Follow your instincts

We don’t trust ourselves nearly enough as we should. Follow your instincts more and pay attention to the signals your body is picking up and see where it takes you. You might find that your conscious brain gets in the way of your body signals a lot of the time.

45. If You Find Some Money Give It To Charity

If you find money in the street don’t pocket it, give it to someone who is homeless or better yet buy them a meal with it. If it’s a suitcase full of money, that’s obviously a different story.

46. Your Thoughts Really Do Have Power

When you realize this, it will change your thinking in so many ways. I can’t tell you that it’s true you have to experience it for yourself.

47. Always Admit It When You Have Made A Mistake

Don’t blame others or hide behind someone else. Hold your hands up and admit you made a mistake, no matter what the consequences are. You will be much more respected this way. However, don’t take the blame for others.

48. Do Something Every Day To Improve Your Mind

Learn a new word, do an anagram puzzle, sudoku your mind, read a book, read a stimulating blog post, anything that will help your mind just a little. Just a little turns into something huge.

49. Change Your Thinking Style

If something is not working out, try and change your thinking style and come at it from another angle. This is true of everything in life.

50. What Do You Really Want To Do In Life

You will find most people cannot answer this question simply because they are plodding along with life. When you know what you really want to do with your life then your life takes another path.

51. Pass On Your Knowledge

Knowledge is for sharing, let others know what you know if it’s appropriate.

52. Ask For What You Want In Life

If you don’t ask you won’t get. Asking for your wants puts it out there. I mean literally ask and metaphorically ask. When you want a big house or a mansion, ask out loud and send it out there. When you want the smaller things in life, ask for them from people who can give you them. Always pay it forward.

53. When Someone Does You A Good Turn Pay It Forward

If you receive a compliment, thank the person and look for an opportunity to give someone else a compliment. If you receive a gift, give a gift to someone else at an opportune time.

54. Always Have A Good Breakfast

We underestimate the power of food to keep our brains healthy and our minds alive with energy. If you don’t eat that much, make sure you have a good breakfast to set you up for the day.

55. What Would People Say About You If You Died

This is not a morbid thought, but I often think about what people would say about me at my funeral. The thing is the ones who might say something bad, I can’t really not invite because I’ll be dead. However, the important people are ones I would care about most and I would like to develop my life’s values based on what people would say about me at my funeral; he was a caring man, he was a family man, he always told the truth no matter how hard it might seem, he had integrity etc.

56. Sing Your Heart Out

I love to sing, I hopeless at it, but I love it. We have a radio station over in the UK called gold and it plays music from the 60s, 70s and 80s and I sing at the top of my voice as there is always something on that’s good. My sons are not very pleased about it though :)

57. Love The One You’re With

Always let your partner know how much you love them by telling them and showing them. This way your mind is focused on them for at least part of the day.

58. Pacing Whilst Studying

This has helped me a lot over the years. I paced my way through university. My theory is that the body and mind is being stimulated with the exercise you are doing whilst walking, this makes the blood flow. Blood flow to the brain help you to study and remember.

59. Make New friends

Whether it be online or offline. Keeping yourself busy socially is stimulating for the mind and lets you see the world from others peoples perspective.

60. Make Love Regularly

Releasing the feel good chemicals, endorphins, into your bloodstream is a great way to stimulate the mind. I have to admit to feeling much more creative after making love.

61. Listen To Music

This stimulates the mind and can have tremendous benefits for your thoughts, therefore your life. I love listening to Baroque music whilst driving at night, I love rousing rock driving during the day and dance trance music at the weekend whist driving

62. Listen To A Book Instead Of The Radio

Getting downloadable books from or is a great way to spend long journeys and learn something at the same time.

63. Have A Sleep In

I am not a big fan of sleeping longer than I have to, but sometimes it’s great to lie in bed for a few hours longer than normal. It helps the brain recuperate.

64. Turn Off The TV

There’s nothing more brain numbing than having the TV on all day every day. Exercise your mind and read a book, or at least watch something educational.

65. Look For Evidence Of Your Beliefs

This will develop your mind and your critical thinking. If you look for evidence of your beliefs such as ‘what is the evidence that sea water is blue or green’, you’ll discover some great information on during your research.

66. Take Micro Naps

Taking a micro nap for 10 minutes a few times a day does wonders for your brain energy.

67. Travel Often

Travel really does broaden your horizons especially if you really get into the local food and culture.

68. Tidy House Tidy Mind

There really is nothing better than clearing your house or office space to clear your mind. When the house is not tidy there is always a niggling at the back of your mind. When the house, office and workspace is totally clean and tidy it frees your mind to concentrate on work or your family at home.

69. Exercise Your Mind Not Just Your Body

We all know the benefits of exercising the body but exercising the mind by doing crosswords, maths puzzles, playing chess, reading, anagrams, sudoku etc, all help to increase the minds capacity for learning.

70. Read Philosophy

the beauty of philosophy is that there is no right and wrong. However, reading different philosophers views about the world will stimulate your mind.

71. Ditch The Credit Card

We have forgotten how to wait for the things we want in life, if we see something we like we want it now and using a credit card is too easy. Make the object of your desire more precious by saving up for it. This will discipline your mind as well as your money spending habits.

72. Watch A Motivational Video On Youtube First Thing In The Morning

This is a great way to start the day. Just type in motivational into youtube search box, sort by view count and watch a few videos.

73. Keep Up To Date With New Theories

Whatever field you are interested in keep up to date with new theories and discoveries. New theories in psychology are especially interesting albeit quite thin on the ground.

74. Take One Action Toward Your Goals Every Day

Your Self confidence, self esteem, and goals can only be reached by taking action. The more action you take the more your mind will help you to keep going.

75. Never Let Your Mind Go Out Of Fashion

Keep up to date with the latest research on health, beauty and intelligence. Only those whose thoughts keep searching will stay intelligent for life.

76. Confronting Your Stressors

Whatever you are stressed about the most tackle first. The less stress you have the less your mind has to cope with. Tackle the biggest stressors first and work your way down.

77. Drink Coffee And Tea

Despite evidence to the contrary coffee and tea have been shown to help the brain. Antioxidants and/or caffeine may help fight the onset of Alzheimer’s by 30-60% drinking 30 cups a day is obviously not good but 3-5 cups per day is okay.

78. Carry Yourself With Confidence

People can tell by the way you walk if you are confident or not. Walk with purpose and have a purpose to walk.

79. Make Up Your Own Mind

When reading or listening to the news, do your own research and make up your own mind. The government and large corporations, whether deliberate or not, is a propaganda machine feeding you information to manipulate your thinking.

80. Take Up Yoga

This is meant to be one of the best ways to relive stress and exercise both mind and body.

81. Change Your Hands

Practice doing this with your less dominant hand. If you are right handed start doing things with your left hand and vice versa. If you are ambidextrous, start doing it with your feet :)

82. Eat Plenty Of Fish

There is an abundance on new evidence that eating fish is great for our brains and keeping them healthy.

83. Reduce Your Alcohol Intake

I had to say this, I am an addiction worker. Don’t cut it out just reduce it to the recommended safe level.

84. Quit The Smoking

Yep it can be one of the hardest drugs to give up but it is worth it. I feel so much better for giving up smoking and have a lot more energy than normal and my mind can function a lot better.

85. Practice Deep Breathing

Getting plenty of oxygen to your brain is key for a healthy mind, deep breathing can help with this.

86. Get A Dog/Cat

If you live alone why not go to one of the pet rescue centres and get a dog or a cat. People who have pets are shown to be less lonely, more active, and show fewer signs of stress.

87. Break your Pattern

If you are the one who always goes shopping swap the routine with your partner. Or if you always go to a particular store, change it and go to the same store in another area. Do anything to break the patterns you have in life. This way your mind is kept more active.

88. Try New Food

We have trained our palettes over the years and have gotten used to eating certain foods day in and day out. Try new foods and train your palette to eat better foods.

89. Stimulate Your Brain By Going To A Concert

Whether it be a rock concert or am orchestral concert, getting out and hearing music live and being with people who enjoy the same music stimulates your mind and your emotions.

90. Join An Internet Group

Join an internet discussion group to further your education on topics of interest. Want to start a business? join a group and get ideas for best practice. Want to know more about tropical fish? join a group. This educates your mind, gives you ideas and lets you meet people who are interested in the same topics as you.

91. Volunteer To Help Others

Volunteering is a great way to give back to the community and help others learn the skills you have. Even if you don’t think you have skills you can still help someone out in your community just by talking or doing their shopping for 1 hour per week.

92. Read The Tao Te Ching

Has to be one of the best books, in my opinion, for developing your mind.

93. Practice Patience

Waiting in queues, traffic jams, on a telephone call can be very frustrating sometimes. If you use the time to develop your mind and focus on your goals your frustration will dissipate very quickly. Use free time like this constructively instead of getting angry and putting yourself in a bad mood.

94. Practice Divergent Thinking

This is the practice of looking for multiple solutions to problems or issues that arise in your life, whether they be at home or at work. Don’t judge your solutions just put them down on paper until you can’t think of any other ways. get others involved in this as well.

95. Put On A New Hat

Edward De Bono wrote a book called Six Thinking Hats in which he proposed you to put on a different, mental, hat for each area of your life. For example you put on your parent hat when talking to your kids, you can also put on your child hat for playing around with your kids. mentally putting on different hats allows you to better go in and out of different roles in your life.

96. Stop trying To Multitask

Multitasking can’t be done except with unconscious processes such as walking and talking. If you try to consciously multitask like make the kids lunches, have a telephone conversation and try and get the kids ready for school it can’t be done nearly as effectively as doing each task separately. Multitasking stresses out minds and helps to produce bad results.

97. Write A Short Essay On The Books Your Read

Doing this will keep your mind active and helps your to read in a different way as you are analyzing books instead of just reading. this way you retain more information and in a few years time you don’t embarrass yourself by saying ‘yeah, that was a great book but I can’t remember what it was about.’

98. Allocate Time For Worrying

If you are a recovering worrier and you need some help, allocate a certain time each day to worry about everything. Once you’ve done the time of worry, leave it until the next day.

99. Stop Faffing And Just Do It

Faffing is the art of doing small things to avoid completing a bigger task. I am constantly getting on at my son and saying ‘Stop faffing!’. We spend too much time faffing instead on concentrating on the task at hand.

100. Read The Dictionary

Learning a new word every 2 -3 days will increase your vocabulary by 120 – 170 words per year.

101. Always Over deliver On Your Promises

If you say your going to do something, don’t just do it and get the job complete, make sure you over deliver on everything you do.

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